Digital Marketing with Best Seo

When contemplating launching any business it’s always best to have a plan. This may sound like a case of stating the obvious but before the internet when it was more likely you were opening on the high street a visit to the bank without a written business plan meant you had no chance of seeing the manager.

Loans were given freely thirty years ago as long as the bank believed in your plan and your ability. Nowadays money is tighter so you’ll probably need enough to keep you floating at least the first year with some cash held in reserve.

Cash flow has always been the number one killer of small business and often in the first twelve months.


With ecommerce you need enough to employ a good SEO Agency in London if that’s where you live and work.

A good website and strong marketing is now an essential minimum requirement for any new business. Getting someone to land on the website when there is so much competition in all branches of business it’s worth remembering the basics about good design.

Good websites are organised and well structured. They are aimed at a known target audience and are uncluttered with a highly professional finish.

Navigation is the next important part of the site and getting from A to B and back again should be as simple as possible. Totally original content with an outstanding design is there to hold the visitor’s interest and keep their curiosity from straying away.

Whether graphics, audio or visual the whole lot is useless if it’s not fast loading as people are very fickle and can very quickly get bored waiting.

The word hierarchy is often used by web designers and it means colours and background clashes must be avoided. People scan web pages before they take more interest and actually and hopefully start to read in more detail.

Once the website is tested and looks the business then the next three aspects of SEO, Tracking and Link Building can begin.

For an SEO Agency in London Please visit at Neoteric Uk