Commonly Held Assumptions that are Problematic for SEO

SEO has received somewhat of a bad press recently, with many ‘experts’ claiming that it’s no longer needed. Unfortunately, many people have jumped on this bandwagon and let their SEO practices go to waste…to the detriment of their website.

In response to this trend, we’ve seen a counter trend: an increasing number of SEO seminars and workshops. For instance, BrightonSEO 2015 has seen one of the largest turnouts in the UK to date, for a seminar of its kind.

When people talk about SEO being dead, they mean the old-fashioned SEO techniques. These were techniques that ‘tricked’ the search engines into ranking the website as better than it was, techniques that included keyword stuffing, white text, nefarious link building, and such. Yeah, if you did this today, your website would be dead quite quickly.

Assumption 1: Because SEO is about keywords, and keywords are less important than they used to be, and so this means SEO is dead.

In the past, SEO was about putting as many keywords on the page as possible. Today, keyword stuffing, as the practice is known, is largely outlawed by the search engines. Your site will be penalised if you do this.

Instead, you need good content. This means that the copywriters’ work has become more important than ever before. However, that does not mean that SEO is dead. Once the content is on the page and in place, it still needs optimising. The careful use of one or two keywords is essential to increasing organic search results.

The copywriter writes, but the SEO specialist optimises. Both are of equal importance.

Assumption 2: Link building doesn’t work anymore, and because a large part of SEO is link building, SEO is dead.

Google has gone all out to penalisemanipulative link building strategies. And therein lays the reason that SEO is not dead. We still require link building; it is the manipulative version that we can no longer practice. This is good news for any SEO agency in London worth their salt, because it means removing the wheat from the chaff, so to speak. The poor SEO companies can no longer get ahead. Now, is the time for logical link building that aims to improve the internet for everybody, and not simply for business.

Assumption 3: Online visibility is all about providing value to the user. SEO is all about business promotion.Those two aims clash. Therefore, SEO is dead.


It is clear that SEO needs to change, and it is doing so. SEO simply means ‘search engine optimisation’, and no matter which algorithms the search engines come out with, websites will always need to optimise to these new rules. Whether that’s providing greater user experience, providing precise content, or being extremely niche, it is still optimisation and for that, you will always need an SEO specialist. Any SEO agency in London, New York, Paris, and Tokyo understand this, and they're evolving appropriately.


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